
Journalism faux pas

In a press release found in Inquirer Sports last September 9 about the 2004 Marlboro Red Racing School stated that in order to qualify in their promo, one must be…

  • a Filipino citizen residing in the country

  • 18 years or older as of August 23, 2004

  • a smoker

  • have a Philippine driver’s license

  • of sound mind and body

What? Did I read that write? A fit smoker. Yeah, right. How could one be fit if one smokes? I mean, sure he may play pick-up basketball and does exercise during his free time, but still, I question his lifestyle.

And that’s one of the biggest ironies I see here right now. How can one be considered healthy if her lungs are full of nicotine and tar? Yeah, sure, I am not a health buff either. But at least I don’t intake hazardous chemicals into my system, except probably genetically modified organisms which are included in my last night’s fried chicken (three legged-chickens, anyone?).

Besides, what is the connection between puffing cigarettes and driving a rad Ferrari, or at least sitting beside someone who’s driving one? I don’t think Jun Kintanar, one of the rare Filipinos I know who owns one (soon to be two) red prancing horse, brings with him a pack of reds while behind the wheel of his Italian-made sports car.


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